Friday, December 27, 2019

Marketing Of Foods And Non Alcoholic Beverages - 1877 Words

THE MARKETING OF FOODS AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES TO CHILDREN Name Course Professor University City, State Date Introduction Even though marketing has the ability to influence people of all ages, children seem to be the most vulnerable ones. The 2003 Hastings report concluded, â€Å"on the evidence up to that date, that children in the UK are exposed to extensive food advertising, and that the diet advertised is considerably less healthy than the diet healthcare experts would recommend† (Halford and Boyland, 2013, p, 182). The case is not much different in other countries also. Reports from North America (Gantz, et al. 2007; Institute of Medicine, 2005) clearly indicated the increased vulnerability of children towards advertising and marketing activities of foods and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturers. The majority of the children do not have the maturity to segregate between the good and evil. They are unaware of the traps made by the product manufacturers and service providers. Influenced by the attractive advertisements and the sales promotion activities by the foods and non-alcoholic beverage manufacturers, children often compel their parents to purchase these things for them. Parents, on the other hand, are ready to satisfy the needs of their children since many of the parents think that fulfilling the demands of their children might help them to strengthen their relationships with their children. It should be noted that the parent child relationship in theShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing Audit Essay1049 Words   |  5 Pagesmy views on Marketing Audit. As we all know, Marketing Audit is a systematic, critical and appraisal of the total marketing operation of the objectives and policies and the assumptions which underlie them as well as the methods, procedures, personnel and organization employed to implement the policies and achieve the objectives. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Influence of Fashion on Self Esteem - 678 Words

Fashion A clothing style may be introduced as fashion. Fashion refers to clothing that is in desirable style at a particular time. At different times in history, fashionable dress has been in very different forms. In modern times nearly everyone follows fashion to some extent. According to Constantine,S. and Woodall,T.(2000), style is not something you are born with, but something everyone can learn. Style is also wearing something no one else has and combining different hues of one color. Be aware that expensive clothes do not automatically make you stylish. It is also understandable which shapes are appropriate for you and which to avoid. You will be able to build on this framework and acquire your individuality through your accessories. How you dress makes a huge difference to how other people will perceive you and, therefore, treat you: with respect, admiration or contempt. However, dressing to look your best is not about following fashion or spending bundle of cash or what is hi p for the season. If you have got fat, pitted thighs, no miniskirt, however gorgeous, is going to flatter you. To Weber,M. and Heussen,V.(2000), clothing is one of the five essentials necessary to sustain life. We employ millions of people and provide for their families well-being. It matters to you and it affects how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you. Our clothes, in the simplest terms, provide cover, warmth and protection. Also, on a deeper level, clothes allow you to feelShow MoreRelatedEffects of Media on Body Image855 Words   |  3 PagesDiscussion This study was conducted to analyze the impact of media, mainly fashion magazines, on how women perceived the idealized body weight and shape as well as the impact of media on the decision to diet or initiate an exercise program. Twenty working class women were given questionnaires at different times. 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Comparing themselves to these women can lead to feelings of inadequacy, depression, and an overall low self-esteem. (Expand on, need a good opening paragraph to grab the reader’s attention) Objectification Theory Objectification theory has been proposed as a standard for understanding the effects of living in a culture that sexually objectifies women (Fredrickson Roberts, 1997).Read MoreSociety vs Self1013 Words   |  5 Pageslive in the same area who tend to follow the same standards. Society influences people to follow their expectations, because it is thought of as the right way to live. Due to this influence, society has a negative impact on the individuals who are a part of it. Society forces conformity on others, has individuals acting selfish, and lowers self-esteem which ultimately has a negative effect on individuals.   Society  influences  people  into  conformity.  Conformity  means  to  be  or  become similar  in  formRead MoreHas Digital Manipulation Gone to Far?1393 Words   |  6 Pagesnormal, healthy, beautiful, and attainable. Photoshop has gone over the top with how they make pictures look, so much that it’s negatively affecting vulnerable children, and teens with low self-esteem issues. One important justification for why people go through serious issues with their bodies like self-esteem, and eating disorders is because of the media. The media plays a huge role in our everyday life, and when a person sees an image they are automatically influenced by what that image portraysRead MoreDo Name Brand Clothing Affect Children and Teens Lifestyles and Interactions With One Another? 1206 Words   |  5 Pagesdoes not impact teens because it helps improve their self-esteem. Some psychologists agree, that by improving their self -esteem they are also improvi ng their confidence. Name brand clothing can give a teen the self-esteem they need while going through the awkward stage from childhood to adulthood. Self-esteem is positively associated with the importance given to the utilitarian aspects of clothing, and susceptibility to interpersonal influence is positively associated with the importance placed onRead MoreMedia s Effect On Self Esteem1731 Words   |  7 Pagesof the rapid advancement in technology over the past 50 years, the media has become ever-increasingly present in our everyday lives. The latest fashion editorials and the most exclusive celebrity selfies are always just a click away. Something so pervasive, however, should be intently studied and handled with extreme caution due to the vast influence it can have over its audience’s mind. Too much exposure to certain stimuli has previously been shown to affect cognition and behavior in adolescentsRead MoreResponsibility of the Fashion Model Industry1505 Words    |  7 Pageswhat an average young woman views as an ideal image for a female. If you don’t resemble the images of those stunning Victoria Secret models and Fashion Week models, you suddenly become ashamed of your own body. It is a great life to have with the high pay, fame, drinking champagne on a yacht with famous celebrities and even being on the Vogue cover page. Fashion Modeling Industry has been the most influential source in our young women’s lives. 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The mythology encompassing anorexia is a self-inflicted condition brought on by narcissism. Narcissism is a misinterpretation of what is, in reality, a life threatening disease whose cause remains obscure, whose treatment is inaccurate and whose classification is random. Anorexia kills more of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Essay for My Dad free essay sample

My dad is a professional musician so I started playing music really early. I started banging around on the piano at around 2 years old and started playing string bass at 4 years old. My first gig was playing recorder with my dad at Issue Project Room at 4 years old. My serious playing started when I was 5 and started studying drums. I studied drums at Brooklyn Conservatory with Marc Johnson for about 2 years then I started playing trumpet at around 7. That was the instrument I really wanted to play since I as two years old but I couldnt play it because my grown up teeth werent in yet. I played in Carnegie Hall with my dad and Dan Azans when I was 8 years old and then when I was 9, I won a scholarship for 3 years for private lessons and Jazz theory and ensemble at the Brooklyn Conservatory. First I studied there with Duane Banks but then I switched to Kevin Louis who I really love. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay for My Dad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My first trumpet teacher was actually Russ Johnson who Vive known since I was a baby and Id love to study with him at Jazz camp.Right now, I am playing gigs with my own two rock bands. In one, I play trumpet and sing and in the other I play bass sometimes, drums sometimes and sing. I also compose my own songs and I hope to do more of that at Jazz camp. Im now playing professional gigs with my dad sometimes and with the Diddle-Diddle-Des which Is a band of adults that plays music for little kids that Involves America History In their songs. I want to apply to Laggardly high school for Jazz and I feel that being Jazz camp will help me become a better musician which will help In my application and Just In general.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thoughts On Feminists Essay Research Paper Thoughts free essay sample

Ideas On Feminists Essay, Research Paper Ideas on Feminists. I was non yet ten when I was foremost made aware of the feminist motion and my female parent didn? Ts have much usage for that type of thing. You see, feminism in the 1880ss was a female version of the neo-nazi skinhead outlook. With work forces being the enemy alternatively of other races. In this motion, even to digest work forces was blasphemy, and to be attractive was considered failing. This motion is no longer the norm, but it isn? t gone either. While earlier womens rightists were: male bashing, sapphic, nihilists, modern womens rightists are female parents, married womans, coworkers and everyone else who believes that adult females should hold the same chances as work forces. Not merely can you be married to a adult male and still be a womens rightist, you can be a adult male and be a womens rightist. We will write a custom essay sample on Thoughts On Feminists Essay Research Paper Thoughts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I may be incorrect, but I don? t see much for a modern womens rightist to contend for. Womans can vote ; they can keep any office that a adult male can, with the exclusion of some military places, they get paid the same sum as work forces for the same work, and they have affirmatory action to boot. Were is the unfairness in a adult male and a adult female both using for the same occupation, both being every bit qualified, and unless the adult male is cheery or portion of some other loud mouthed minority, the adult female will acquire the occupation because the company can non afford to make otherwise? Is it fair that a adult female that has a 3.0 GPA gets into med.-school and a adult male with a 3.4 doesn? T? If you can? t Tell, I? m non seeking to be politically right and I? m non a fan of affirmatory action. I didn? T truly have an sentiment on affirmatory action until my sister expressed how she felt, she doesn? T want classs that she doesn? t deserve, she doesn? T want to be considered a 2nd category pupil because of her sex. In the field of natural philosophies, it isn? T normal to see adult females stand out, but she does and she deserves because she does the work, non because she is a adult female. I think that womens rightists need to rethink what is best for society. They have been looking for equality for so long that they past it bargain and have adopted a new signifier of inequality. A adult female is now disadvantaged because she doesn? Ts have to make her best. It is adequate that she is a adult female. ? State me truthfully, would you instead travel and see a male physician that graduated at the underside of his category, or a female physician that shouldn? Ts have graduated but did because of the fact that there are non as many female physicians as male? ? I think that the really early womens rightist motion was great ; adult females deserve to vote, and they are merely as capable of being attorneies, physicians and of keeping office as are work forces. It is good to stand up for your rights, but don? T stand up for them on the dorsums of others. In short, feminism has done a batch of good, but it can and has besides done injury.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Biography of Barack Obama, 44th U.S. President

Biography of Barack Obama, 44th U.S. President Barack Obama (born August 4, 1961) is an American politician who served as the 44th president of the United States, the first African-American to do so. Prior to that, he was a civil rights lawyer, constitutional law professor, and U.S. senator from Illinois. As president, Obama oversaw the passage of several notable pieces of legislation, including the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Fast Facts: Barack Obama Known For: Obama was the 44th president of the United States.Born: August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HawaiiParents: Barack Obama Sr. and Ann DunhamEducation: Occidental College, Columbia University (B.A.), Harvard University (J.D.)Awards and Honors: Nobel Peace PrizeSpouse: Michelle Robinson Obama (m. 1992)Children: Malia, Sasha Early Life Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, to a white mother and a black father. His mother Ann Dunham was an anthropologist, and his father Barack Obama Sr. was an economist. They met while studying at the University of Hawaii. The couple divorced in 1964 and Obama Sr. returned to his native Kenya to work for the government. He rarely saw his son after this separation. In 1967, Barack Obama moved with his mother to Jakarta, where he lived for four years. At the age of 10, he returned to Hawaii to be raised by his maternal grandparents while his mother completed fieldwork in Indonesia. After finishing high school, Obama went on to study at Occidental College, where he gave his first public speech- a call for the school to divest from South Africa in protest of the countrys system of apartheid. In 1981, Obama transferred to Columbia University, where he graduated with a degree in political science and English literature. In 1988, Obama began studying at Harvard Law School. He became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review and spent his summers working at law firms in Chicago. He graduated magna cum laude in 1991. Marriage Obama married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson- a lawyer from Chicago he met while he was working in the city- on October 3, 1992. Together they have two children, Malia and Sasha. In her 2018 memoir Becoming, Michelle Obama described their marriage as a full-on merger, a reconfiguring of two lives into one, with the well-being of a family taking precedence over any one agenda or goal.† Barack supported Michelle when she chose to leave private law for public service, and she supported him when he decided to enter politics. Career Before Politics Upon graduating from Columbia University, Barack Obama worked at Business International Corporation and then at the New York Public Interest Research Group, a non-partisan political organization. He then moved to Chicago and became director of the Developing Communities Project. After law school, Obama wrote his memoir, Dreams from My Father, which was widely acclaimed by critics and other writers, including Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. Obama worked as a community organizer and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for 12 years. He also worked as a lawyer during this same period. In 1996, Obama made his foray into political life as a member of the Illinois State Senate. He supported bipartisan efforts to improve healthcare and increase tax credits for childcare. Obama was reelected to the State Senate in 1998 and again in 2002. U.S. Senate In 2004, Obama launched a campaign for U.S. Senate. He positioned himself as a progressive and an opponent of the Iraq War. Obama won a decisive victory in November with 70% of the vote and was sworn in as a U.S. senator in January 2005. As a senator, Obama served on five committees and chaired the European Affairs subcommittee. He sponsored legislation to expand Pell grants, provide support for victims of Hurricane Katrina, improve the safety of consumer products, and reduce homelessness among veterans. By now, Obama was a national figure and a rising star in the Democratic Party, having delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. In 2006, Obama released his second book, The Audacity of Hope, which became a New York Times bestseller. 2008 Election Obama began his run for U.S. president in February 2007. He was nominated after a very close primary race against key opponent Hillary Clinton, the wife of former president Bill Clinton. Obama chose Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate. The two campaigned on a platform of hope and change; Obama made ending the Iraq War and passing healthcare reform his primary issues. His campaign was notable for its digital strategy and fundraising efforts. With support from small donors and activists across the nation, the campaign raised a record $750 million. Obamas main opponent in the presidential race was Republican Sen. John McCain. In the end, Obama won 365 electoral votes and 52.9% of the popular vote. First Term Within the first 100 days of his presidency, Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a piece of legislation designed to address the worst effects of the Great Recession. The Recovery Act was a stimulus package that injected about $800 billion into the economy through tax incentives for individuals and businesses, infrastructure investment, aid for low-income workers, and scientific research. Leading economists broadly agreed that this stimulus spending helped reduce unemployment and avert further economic challenges. Obamas signature achievement- the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare)- was passed on March 23, 2010. The legislation was designed to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health insurance by subsidizing those who meet certain income requirements. At the time of its passage, the bill was quite controversial. In fact, it was even taken before the Supreme Court, which ruled in 2012 that it was not unconstitutional. By the end of 2010, Obama had also added two new judges to the Supreme Court- Sonia Sotomayor, who was confirmed on August 6, 2009, and Elena Kagan, who was confirmed on August 5, 2010. Both are members of the courts liberal wing. On May 1, 2011, Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, was killed during a Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan. This was a major victory for Obama, winning him praise across party lines. The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda, Obama said in a public address to the nation. Today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people. 2012 Reelection Obama launched his campaign for reelection in 2011. His main challenger  was Republican Mitt Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts. To make use of growing social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the Obama campaign hired a team of tech workers to build digital campaign tools. The election centered on domestic issues, including healthcare and Social Security, and in many ways was a referendum on the Obama administrations response to the Great Recession. In November 2012, Obama defeated Romney with 332 electoral votes and 51.1% of the popular vote. Obama called the victory a vote for action, not politics as usual, and promised to work on bipartisan proposals to improve the American economy. Second Term During his second term as president, Obama focused on new challenges facing the country. In 2013, he organized a group to begin negotiations with Iran. An agreement was reached in 2015 in which the United States would lift sanctions and steps would be taken to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, Obama signed a series of executive orders designed to reduce gun violence. He also voiced support for more comprehensive background checks and a ban on assault weapons. In a press conference at the White House, Obama said, If there is even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there is even one life that can be saved, then weve got an obligation to try. In June 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex marriage was protected by the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This was a major milestone in the fight for LGBTQ rights. Obama called the ruling a victory for America. In July 2013, Obama announced that the United States had negotiated plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba. The following year, he became the first American president to visit the country since Calvin Coolidge did so in 1928. The shift in U.S.-Cuba relations- dubbed the Cuban thaw- was met with approval by many political leaders around the world. Legacy Obama is the first African-American to not only be nominated by a major political party but also to win the presidency of the United States. He ran as an agent of change. His true impact and the significance of his presidency will not be determined for many years to come. Sources Obama, Barack.  Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Canongate, 2016.Obama, Michelle. Becoming. Crown Publishing Group, 2018.Remnick, David.  The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. Vintage Books, 2011.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Listeria monocytogenes essays

Listeria monocytogenes essays Listeria Monocytogenes is an acid tolerant, psychrotolerant, facultative anaerobic and salt tolerant bacterium. It is a short, gram positive, non-spore forming rod that is catalase positive. It is found widely in soil and water, and virtually no fresh food is safe from L.monocytogenes contamination. Fresh food can become contaminated at any stage during food growth or processing. Thus, meat, dairy products and fresh produce can become contaminated with this pathogen. L.monocytogenes is an intracellular pathogen. It enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion of contaminated food. In the early and mid 1980s large outbreaks of L.monocytogenes occurred in both pregnant women and people who where immunocompromised. The first outbreak that demonstrated indirect transmission from an animal reservoir was reported from the Atlantic maritime provinces of Canada, in this outbreak L.monocytogenes contaminated sheep manure used to fertilize cabbages, which where placed in cold storage over the winter. Active surveillance in the USA suggests an annual incidence of 0.7 cases per 1000,000 approximately 1700 cases of listerosis occur annually in the USA with a mortality rate of 40%. Two-thirds of cases of listerosis in adults occur in people who have immunocompromised immunity. L.monocytogenes is mainly cell-mediated via TH1 cells. Individuals having weaker cellular immunity including the elderly, neonates, patients undergoing immunosuppressive drug treatment or those who have immunosuppressive diseases such As AIDS, have increased susceptibility to listerosis. Alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, and cirrhosis also contribute to the risk of infection. Acute listerosis is quite rare. The acute disease is usually characterized by bacteriama and meningitis and has a mortality rate of approximately 20%. Although there are about 2500 cases of acute listerosis each year, about 500 cases e ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare two ethical principles (Dawn) Assignment

Compare two ethical principles (Dawn) - Assignment Example As per (University of Washington,1998) â€Å"In the course of caring for patients, there are some situations in which some type of harm seems inevitable, and we are usually morally bound to choose the lesser of the two evils, although the lesser of evils may be determined by the circumstances†. When we think about the other ethical principle, it can be detailed as beneficence where in nurses are obliged to do good for their patients and have the duty not to do any harm to them during the course of treatment .As per (Pentilat,2008) â€Å"Beneficence is action that is done for the benefit of others. Beneficent actions can be taken to help prevent or remove harms or to simply improve the situation of others†. Interestingly enough, our duty to do good for our patients can also interfere with our duty to do no harm†. The application of these principles is to protect the patient and help them lead a comfortable life. As per (Runzheimer,2013) â€Å"All healthcare providers must strive to improve their patient’s health, to do the most good for the patient in every